Wednesday, May 5, 2021

All of Me

I recently read Starfish by Lisa Fipps and was blown away with the heartwrenching story of a young girl whose body shape was different from others and therefore the root of much bullying.  All of Me is a similar ode to positive body image.  Written by Chris Baron, who was admittedly a fat kid, it tells the story of Ari.  He is big.  After being beaten up for his weight, he harms himself, causing his mother to seek help and put him on a diet.  And although the diet is "successful" and Ari loses weight and gains some confidence, he constantly questions how this could be a long term solution.  And why does it need to be?  He doesn't necessarily want to lose weight.  He just wants "to find the real me."  Guided by his rabbi and a few very good friends, he learns that "you don't have to be the way others want you to be."  In a few spots this was a bit mature for a K-5 audience.  It is perfect for middle school.  (FIC BAR)

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