This is a beautifully woven tale crafted by genius storyteller, J.K. Rowling. In the kingdom of Cornucopia, there is legend of a horrific beast. When an unfortunate event occurs in the fabled marshlands where this Ickabog is said to live, devious and conniving aides to a vain and foolish king lie and twist the event to their benefit. The lies and crimes snowball, one after the other, until the kingdom is crumbling while the kings' aides' purses get fat. Two children of the kingdom, Daisy and Bert, suffer greatly from the lies and deception. But when they travel to the marsh to find answers, the children nearly die of frostbite. Their savior is a most unlikely hero, and he may be able to save the kingdom.
There was much debate about whether this is a appropriate for children. Like Harry Potter, it was written for older children. It is dark and sometimes has violence (murder, for example) but the murders are not graphic; they are mentioned as part of the plot to cover up the accident. It is a solid middle-grade novel. 5th grade and up will devour this. (FIC ROW)
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