When Owen sees Bethany climb out of a book, he is at first afraid and bewildered. But her power intrigues him and he is thrilled that the boring world they live in isn't all there is. He wants to go in and meet his favorite characters, maybe change the endings of books and become famous! Bethany has a different reason for going into the books that is less selfish than his. She is half-fiction. Her dad is from a story. She wants to find him. However, Owen's ego and ignorance cause a catastrophe when they release a wizard into the real world. The wizard is furious that he is fictitious and wants Bethany to use her power to release ALL the fictional characters so they can truly live. It is a story within a story... the two become intertwined. I loved all the works of literature metioned throughout! If you liked Sisters Grimm, Inkheart, or Land Of Stories, you will like this. (FIC RIL)
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